Friday, December 30, 2011

Three Types of People to Fire Immediately

From Bloomberg Businessweek:
Want a more innovative company? Get rid of these folks. Today.
By G. Michael Maddock and Raphael Louis Vitón

“I wanted a happy culture. So I fired all the unhappy people.”
—A very successful CEO (who asked not to be named)
       We (your authors) teach our children to work hard and never, ever give up. We teach them to be grateful, to be full of wonder, to expect good things to happen, and to search for literal and figurative treasure on every beach, in every room, and in every person.
       But some day, when the treasure hunt is over, we’ll also teach them to fire people. Why? After working with the most inventive people in the world for two decades, we’ve discovered the value of a certain item in the leadership toolbox: the pink slip.
       Show of hands: How many of you out there in Innovationland have gotten the “what took you so long?” question from your staff when you finally said goodbye to a teammate who was seemingly always part of problems instead of solutions?
       We imagine a whole bunch of hands. (Yep, ours went up, too.)
       These people—and we going to talk about three specific types in a minute—passive-aggressively block innovation from happening and will suck the energy out of any organization.
       When confronted with any of the following three people—and you have found it impossible to change their ways, say goodbye.

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